Registrado: 01 Ene 1970 Mensajes: 2001 Ubicación: Tenerife
Publicado: 17 Abr 2011 23:18Asunto:
MÃnimo, 25 o 50 mw, lo demas se te va a quedar corto, y eso teniendo en cuenta que cuando se enfria dejas de ver el rayo verde, pero por eso no te asustes, asi que tienes que tenerlo siempre caliente.....
Saludos y bienvenido. _________________ Hola, me llamo Groucho, perdonen que no me levante.
In those days, with Bobby Jones, if you found ping g20 irons a driver that you liked, you held on to it forever. You couldn't put that shaft on another club head. They were nailed and glued to a wood head, and you'd destroy the shaft if you tried to taylormade r1 . After having one of those or any other major mishap, John rushes best golf clubs up to hit the next ball thinking that he has to quickly erase the ping g20 irons last bad shot as soon as possible. He hates feeling the anger. But in his haste and tension, he usually follows up one bad shot with another and the downward spiral begins.
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